Rev. Asante appointed to UN Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund Advisory Group

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UN Secretary-General has appointed Most Rev. Professor Emmanuel Asante Member of the Sixth Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund Advisory Group

The appointment to the Group is consistent with the Terms of Reference of the Peacebuilding Fund adopted by the UN’s General Assembly.

The candidates for the group are nominated by Member States, including countries contributing to the Fund.

The United Nations Peacebuilding Fund is the organization’s financial instrument of first resort to sustain peace in countries or situations at risk or affected by violent conflict.

From 2006 to 2017, the Fund approved a total of $772 million to 41 recipient countries, and from 2017 to 2019, it scaled up its commitments by approving $531 million for 51 countries.

Most Rev. Professor Asante is the Chairperson of the National Peace Council and one of the 10-member Peacebuilding Fund Advisory Group.

The rest of the members of the Sixth Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund Advisory Group are H.E. Ms. Anne Anderson, Ambassador (ret.), Ireland; H.E. Ms. Lise Filiatrault, Ambassador (ret.), Canada; H.E. Ms. Liberata Mulamula, Ambassador (ret.), Tanzania; Mr. Johannes Oljelund, Director-General for International Development Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden; Ms. Sara Pantuliano, Chief Executive, Overseas Development Institute, United Kingdom; Mr. Stéphane Rey, Head of Peace Policy, Deputy Head of the Human Security Division, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Switzerland; and H.E. Mr. Gert Rosenthal, Ambassador (ret.), Guatemala. The rest are H.E. Mr. Hanns Heinrich Schumacher, Ambassador (ret.), Germany; and Ms. Marriët Schuurman, Director, Department of Stability and Humanitarian Aid, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands.



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