Media General launches #UseYourVoice campaign

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Media General’s Election Command Centre announces  the launch of the #UseYourVoice campaign, a nationwide initiative aimed at empowering Ghanaians to speak out and hold public officials accountable in the lead-up to the December elections.

As part of Media General’s comprehensive 2024 Ghana Election Coverage initiatives, the #UseYourVoice campaign seeks to amplify the voices of citizens and bring to the fore the core issues bothering Ghanaians.

By encouraging individuals to share their concerns and grievances on social media using the hashtag #UseYourVoice, Media General aims to create a platform for constructive dialogue and demand accountability from elected public officials.

Mr. Astus Ahiagble, General Manager of News at Media General said, “The #UseYourVoice campaign is critical to our commitment to transparency and good governance. We believe that a well-informed and engaged citizenry is essential to a healthy democracy. By providing a platform for Ghanaians to express themselves and hold leaders accountable, we hope to contribute to a more transparent and responsive governance system.”

The campaign will feature a series of on-air discussions and social media engagement activities, all designed to encourage citizens to speak out and demand action from their leaders.

Mr. Ahiagble added, “We are committed to using our platforms to promote transparency, accountability, and good governance. The #UseYourVoice campaign is just one example of our dedication to empowering Ghanaians to shape their own destiny.”

Media General’s news teams will also produce special reports and documentaries highlighting key issues and concerns raised by the public.

How to participate:

  • Share your concerns, ask questions, and demand answers from public officials on social media using the hashtag #UseYourVoice
  • Record a video or take a picture when you witness something that needs attention and share it with the media general on social media using the hashtag #UseYourVoice
  • Follow media general on social media accounts and stay glued to their media platforms for special reports and documentaries on the issues that matter most to you.

Join the conversation and make your voice heard! Share your concerns, ask questions, and demand answers from public officials using the hashtag #UseYourVoice.

Souce: myghanadaily


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