Theft of streetlight components hindering progress at Obetsebi Lamptey Interchange

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Consultants working on the Obetsebi Lamptey Interchange project are sounding the alarm over the persistent theft of streetlight components and other essential materials.

Although the theft of these items is not expected to derail the September schedule for completion, they have called for a national effort to secure construction sites.

The resident engineer revealed to Channel One News that stolen items include streetlight components, bolts, nuts, railings, and metal slabs.

This brazen theft is not only hindering progress but also compromising the safety and quality of the project.

The issue of malfunctioning streetlights is a recurring problem in Accra, with city authorities facing calls to address the situation.

However, the theft of critical components is exacerbating the problem.

The consultants are urging a national effort to secure construction sites and prevent further theft.

Despite these challenges, the project remains on track for completion in September.

Source: myghanadaily


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