The Big Tree and it’s healing prowess

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According to Ghana’s Forestry officials, the big tree in the forests of Akim Oda in Ghana’s Eastern region, is the biggest tree in the country.

Locally known as “the Big Tree” is of the Bako species and its botanical name is tieghemela heckle, is believed to be the biggest in West Africa with a diameter of 3.22 meters at 1.37 meters, 2.72 meters at 3.1 meters, making 12 metres in circumference and 66.5-90 metres tall. It also has a girth of 10.11 meters at 1.4 meters and 8.63 meters at 3.1 meters.

The sheer size and height of the tree leaves so many local people in awe making them treat it as deity. It is a mystery to them, and believing it must have some supernatural powers, they regularly visit the tree carrying gifts and sacrifices. Many have dug holes around the giant roots of the tree where they leave their sacrifices with prayer requests for good fortune.

The tree with a cylindrical shape, with bright pink leaves.has a low natural regeneration success rate which has also contributed to the likelihood of its extinction. Its unique nature has led to the intervention by the Ghana Forestry Commission. This magnificent tree is believed to be about 350 to 400 years old.

This has over the years made it a unique tourist attraction in the region and the country as a whole. The tree serves as a heritage object and an object of worship and has been reserved over the years.

Typical of the African setting, especially Ghana, many spiritual myths surround the existence of the tree. It is believed that the tree was first discovered by a hunter named Yaw Andoh from Akim Asanteman, several years past.

Several attempts made to cut and/or uproot the miraculous tree has resulted in casualties for the victims. Legend has it that, traditionalist from Akim Asanteman who attempted to cut the tree down, died a few days after the attempt.

According to legend, in the year 1930, a farmer who also attempted to burn the tree by setting fire around it, died later. In 1966 however, a chain saw operator by name Antieh is said to have succeeded in cutting down the tree but it was believed to have mysteriously reinstated to its original position after three days. The operator is believed to have died later on.

After all the mysterious events, the tree is now an ancestral home for the people of Akim Asanteman. It is also a spectacular tourist attraction in the country. The tree is a holy site where natives of Akim Asanteman pay homage to their ancestors and the spirit of the tree during their annual festival.

During all these years, the tree has attracted people from different parts of the world, especially the Asian Continent and India to be specific.

According to the authorities, these foreigners visited at the time to purposely perform rituals and seek spiritual help. The mysterious tree is a durable and hard wood which is also resistant to impregnation and surprisingly resistant to insects and disease attacks. It is believed that the tree has curative abilities as well. It is believed that a sick person who visits the site and performs the necessary rituals, is healed spiritually. It is also believed that infertile women can conceive when they use the leaves and the bark of the tree as herbs.

The tree is an impressive tourist attraction sees many local and foreign visitors visiting in efforts to see the spectacular gift of nature and have first-hand information on the biggest tree in West Africa.

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