World Vision, stakeholders launch Fifth ‘Triple S’ Challenge

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The World Vision Ghana (WVI-G), a child-focused Christian humanitarian organisation, and some partners have launched  the Fifth Edition of the School Sanitation Solutions (Triple S) Challenge competition to unearth solution-oriented ideas from children to tackle Ghana’s sanitation issues.

The competition is open to pupils in both public and private schools from primary Six to junior high school in all the 16 regions of Ghana.

For the first part, contestants would be expected to write a 1500-word essay on a topic soon to be announced in the media.

They would be asked to describe how sanitation problems are adversely affecting teaching and learning in their communities.

Shortlisted winners would then be quizzed on sanitation issues on the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation’s programme: “What Do You Know” to determine the overall winner, to be declared; “Child Sanitation Diplomat.”

The diplomat, apart from prizes from the organisers, would also be involved in the identification and implementation of sanitation projects in his or her school and communities.

Since September 2019, when the Triple S Challenge was launched,  each child sanitation diplomat had worked to influence children to become sanitation conscious and agents of change, challenging them to co-create sustainable solutions to sanitation challenges around them.

The children also advocate the removal of barriers and increased access to improved sanitation, particularly in basic schools.

They have addressed the Mole Water, Saintation and Hygiene (WASH) conference, a civil society organisation multistakeholder platform aimed at reviewing sector performance, influencing policies, removing barriers, and promoting access to sustainable water, sanitation, and hygiene services.

Some of the winners have also benefitted from trips abroad.

Mr NoahTumfo, the Chief Director, Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources, in a speech read on his behalf at the launch, described sanitation as a driver of development and said the youth and children must be encouraged to do more in WASH activities.

Resolving sanitation issues in the country would result in significant resource savings, he said, and stressed the need to involve the youth in national decision-making processes, as they had brilliant ideas to help solve the country’s WASH problems.

Mr Yaw Attah Arhin, the WASH Technical Specialist, World Vision Ghana, lauded the active involvement and support of relevant stakeholders to make the challenge unique.

These include the Hall Media, the Sanitation Ministry, School Health Education Unit of the Ghana Education Service, the GAMA Sanitation and Water Project, and Zoomlion Foundation.

Source: myghanadaily


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