We will make technical education accessible to students with special needs- Prof Nyarko

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Professor Kingsley Nyarko, Deputy Minister of Education in charge of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) sector, says the government is committed to making technical education accessible to persons with special needs.

Prof  Nyarko said that technical education was not restricted to able-bodied persons, but about harnessing or unraveling the talents of individuals, whether they are strong or with disabilities.

The Deputy Minister said this when he paid a working visit to the Ghana TVET Service, Complementary Education Agency, and National Council for Curriculum and Assessment in Accra.

“The person who is disabled has the talents, and we can unlock from the talent they have. Some persons who are disabled have better cognitive functioning than some of us,” he said.

Prof Nyarko said the government would not discriminate against anybody who might think that they could use their talent to propel the other person on that path.

“I am happy that the government has succeeded in increasing enrollment of students in TVET institutions. I think we are part of a success story. We can do more,” he said.

Statistics show that enrollment in TVET institutions has increased to over 100,000 students, with enrollment in the 2023–24 academic year at about 60,000 students.

Research reveals that TVET graduates have built a lot more SMEs as compared to general education graduates.

“Scientists cannot make progress when we don’t focus on technical and educational. Apart from the skills you have acquired, you are also able to build jobs for others, and that will be the foundation for nationalizing the economy,” he said.

He said the government agenda of one factory per district could be meaningful if the country had the middle-level manpower to work in these companies.

“I encourage you to motivate yourself. I challenge you to go beyond your limits because I know it is possible,” he said.

The government has since 2017 invested over GHC6 billion in the TVET sector.

Source: GNA


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